Have You Ever Wondered How the Rich Gained Their Wealth so Easily
Released on = July 29, 2006, 1:44 am
Press Release Author = Peak Potentials Training
Industry = Education
Press Release Summary = Using the principles he teaches, T. Harv Eker went from zero to millionaire in only two and a half years. Eker is
president of Peak Potentials Training, one of the fastest-growing success training companies in North America, and author of the #1 New York Times best-selling book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. With his unique brand of "street smarts with heart," Eker's humorous cut-to-the chase style keeps his audience spellbound. People come from all over
the world to attend his sold-out seminars, where crowds often exceed 2,000 people for a weekend program. So far, Eker's teachings have touched the lives of more than a quarter of a million people.
Press Release Body = \"There is a secret psychology to money. Most people don\'t know about it. That\'s why most people never become financially successful. A lack of money is not the problem. It is merely a symptom of what\'s going on inside you,\" explains T. Harv Eker in his new book, SECRETS OF THE MILLIONAIRE MIND: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth (HarperBusiness, March 2005, $19.95 hardcover). Eker, who has spent the last fifteen years helping people create abundance in their lives, shows readers how to replace unconscious, limiting attitudes about money with thoughts, habits, and actions that lead to wealth.
\"Your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world,\" says Eker. \"If you want to change your financial
situation on the outside, you will first need to change it on the inside.\" Eker argues that all people have a money
and success blueprint embedded in their subconscious minds. This blueprint is largely formed during childhood -- by how parents speak about wealth, by how they deal with money, and by such major life experiences as a parent\'s job loss or family bankruptcy. If one\'s parents regularly make comments such as \"money doesn\'t grow on trees\" and act as if money is a problem, then children grow up believing in financial scarcity. Or if parents characterize the wealthy as greedy and untrustworthy, then children learn to equate money with negative concepts and find ways to unconsciously sabotage their own success.
What\'s more, Eker contends that everyone\'s financial blueprint contains a \"set point\" which limits the level of
financial success that a person feels comfortable achieving. That\'s why lottery winners quickly spend or lose their jackpots. They\'re uneasy being wealthy because their financial set point is too low. On the other hand, someone like Donald Trump may lose a fortune, but he quickly recoups his loses, because his set point is adjusted to billionaire. Donald Trump would never settle for being a millionaire. It\'s not in his financial makeup.
For More Info go to http://www.secretsofthemillionairemind.com/a/proficient Peak Potentials Training 1321 West 1st Street North Vancouver, BC Canada, V7P 1A6
Web Site = http://www.secretsofthemillionairemind.com/a/proficient
Contact Details = John 1321 West 1st Street North Vancouver , V7P 1A6 $$country
604-983-3344 mrjbennett1@yahoo.com http://www.secretsofthemillionairemind.com/a/proficient
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